Not Young
Some of the young people acts like a matured person like when your 11 or 12 but you act like a 16 or 17 year old person. People like that wanted to be or feel the love of someone immidiately but, I met this Guy that wanted to love a mature but young girl the guy gave notes,bear, and more notes but this girl really refuse because she has no feelings to that guy cause the girl thought that the boy is way older for her. The girl only love people in her own age or one year older but the guy pushing his luck to the girl and the girl still doesnt love him. So the girl tries to avoid the boy, even now they dont see each other the guy still has hope that the will love him forever. Well the girl is happy now because her life is normal and no annoying people and she's having fun.
Its hard being like that because you always see the guy you dont like and keeps annoying you, I really dont like that life ever.
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